Moving to a new space
2022/4/24 ยท 3 min read
Regarding my personal website, it was a significant motivation for me when I first started learning front-end development. The idea that I could simply type a few characters in the browser and visit my own webpage published on the internet was really cool to me .
Of course, I was aware that my website was not fully optimized to present and run consistently across all devices, which was a challenge that is worth tackling
When I first started exploring building my personal website, Vitepress had just released its alpha version 1.0.0. As a meta-framework built on top of the first front-end framework that I learned, Vue, it seemed amazing to me how many tools in the Vue ecosystem had well-designed user interfaces and performed so well. At the time, most of them were built with another static site generator called Vuepress. Now, I could choose to try out Vitepress, newly launched by the Vue team, which utilizes the lightning-fast Vite build tool, features a nicer graphical user interface, and has more functionality.
After a few days of developing, I created my first personal website using Vitepress, empowered by various integrated capabilities. It included a self-introduction page and a blog article feature written in Markdown. Although I made some modifications to the user interface design, it still presented an elegant design from the Vitepress team.
Nearly one year has passed, during which I have grown in the field of front-end development, acquiring knowledge in the 1% of JavaScript and some new front-end frameworks. I do not know what one-year span means in terms of the dimensions of front-end development and human growth, but I feel like a baby who is about to turn one year old in this field and still needs to grow more.
Now, I have the idea of refactoring my personal website, and I used Astro to do so. Astro is a static site generator that is suitable for building content-based websites, and I used a small amount of JavaScript code to support website interaction functions, as well as the UnoCSS atomic CSS framework. As you can see at this moment, a personal website with a new user interface design and integrated blog function has been created.
Since my website is built on many excellent open-source projects, it is also open-source. You are welcome to use it as a template to build your own personal page. If you want to do so, please go to the GitHub Repository of this website to view the README. I also invite you to point out any problems you find in this website or provide some interesting ideas to make this website more user-friendly.
Lastly, thank you for reading the first article on my new homepage and for the inspiration from Paco Coursey.
yi 2023